Pdf students book

Listado pdf students book

  • Libros del británico, challenges 2incluye, workbook, students' book, students' booklet

    San Luis (Lima)

    $ 35

  • El libro del estudiante, workbook y teacher’s book están en pdf y viene con audio cdcontextos como el internet, redes sociales y television son relevantes en la vida de los estudiantesgold experience b1+ es un curso acelerado que motiva e involucre a los adolescents con su amplia variedad de temas contemporaneous

    $ 30

  • El libro del estudiante, workbook y teacher’s book están en pdf y viene con audio cdcontextos como el internet, redes sociales y television son relevantes en la vida de los estudiantesgold experience b1 es un curso acelerado que motiva e involucre a los adolescents con su amplia variedad de temas contemporaneous

    $ 30

  • Este es un curso para adolescentes, contiene cinco nivelesnew challenges prepara a los estudiantes con el idioma y las habilidades necesarias para ser estudiantes destacados del idioma inglés

    $ 30

  • Ielts academis essays 300+ solved essays pdf -369 pág300+ enayos en inglés resueltos this book is meant to help the average student crack the ielts essayover 10 years ofmy ielts coaching experience has taught me a lot about what all would help the students do beter in the writing module of the ieltsover the years, i have seen fairly good students getting 7+ in the other modules of the ielts, fall to less than 6 bands in the writing module, but i have also seen those with less than 6 in the other modules, get a 6 in writingfrom their writing band scores, i have made important deductions as to what work, and what does not work in an ielts essayover the years, i have oached thousands of students, checked their writings almost every day, and so t somehow know what precisely they have written in their exam


    $ 599

  • Ielts academis essays 300+ solved essays pdf entrega inmediata300+ enayos en inglés resueltos this book is meant to help the average student crack the ielts essayover 10 years ofmy ielts coaching experience has taught me a lot about what all would help the students do beter in the writing module of the ieltsover the years, i have seen fairly good students getting 7+ in the other modules of the ielts, fall to less than 6 bands in the writing module, but i have also seen those with less than 6 in the other modules, get a 6 in writingfrom their writing band scores, i have made important deductions as to what work, and what does not work in an ielts essaycualquier inconveniente se le devuelve el dineroover the years, i have oached thousands of students, checked their writings almost every day, and so t somehow know what precisely they have written in their exam


    $ 5

  • Ielts academis essays 300+ solved essays pdf -369 pág300+ enayos en inglés resueltos this book is meant to help the average student crack the ielts essayover 10 years ofmy ielts coaching experience has taught me a lot about what all would help the students do beter in the writing module of the ieltsover the years, i have seen fairly good students getting 7+ in the other modules of the ielts, fall to less than 6 bands in the writing module, but i have also seen those with less than 6 in the other modules, get a 6 in writingfrom their writing band scores, i have made important deductions as to what work, and what does not work in an ielts essayentrega inmediatacualquier inconveniente se le devuelve el dineroover the years, i have oached thousands of students, checked their writings almost every day, and so t somehow know what precisely they have written in their exam

    Lima (Lima)

    $ 5

  • The book is in pdf and includes the audio cdsthis collection of four complete practice tests comprises papers from the cambridge english: first (fce) examination; students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher

    $ 25

  • Libro usado forrado en buenas condiciones (sin casi nada de escrito, pero el código englishlab ya no está vigente) whatsap: + ------------------------------------------------ autor: frances eales steve oakes with nick witherick incluye cds contenido: - part a students' book - part b workbook - part c students' resource bank - test index ------------------------------------------------------------------ speakout upper intermediate students' pack speak out upper intermediate students' pack

    $ 110

  • Libro speak out elementary usado forrado (sin casi nada de escrito, pero el código englishlab ya no está vigente) whatsap: + ------------------------------------------------ autor: frances eales, steve oakes with damian williams incluye cds contenido: - part a students' book - part b workbook - part c students' resource bank - test index ------------------------------------------------------------------ speakout elementary students' pack speak out elementary students' pack speakout elementary student pack speak out elementary student pack

    $ 100

  • Outcomes is a completely new general english course in which: natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings cef goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practise the language they need to have conversations in english clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course

    $ 30

  • Communication, collaboration and creative thinking drive students towards real 21st century outcomes and encourage them to respond to ideas and find their own voiceboth students and teachers will emerge with new confidence, new ideas and a new determination to communicate in this increasingly information-rich world of global englishthrough life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in english

    $ 20

  • The series is specially designed for students from intermediate to proficiency levelthe student's book and the workbook are designed to be covered in approximately 100 to 120 hours of classroom workeach book consists of five modules and provides systematic preparation in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - required at these levels

    $ 40

  • Hacker's white book (pdf escaneado) 2pack 3 libros pdf hacker 1hacking ético 101 (pdf digital) nota: dudas y consultas dejar su pregunta, gustosamente le responderemoshacking desde cero (pdf digital) 3

    Arequipa (Arequipa)

    $ 9

  • El precio total por el curso completo que incluye lstudent's book en pdf, workbook en pdf, teacher's guide en pdf y los audio cds es de s/ solesel curso cubre cada parte del examen fce en detalleprovee preparación,práctica, información y consejo para asegurar que los estudiantes estén completamente preparados para cada parte del examendirigido a adolescentes y jóvenescomplete first certificate es un curso nuevo para el examen fce

    $ 30

  • English explorer is a motivating new four-level series for students at secondary level, with a strong international focusdevelop critical thinking and other practical, real-world skills, including study skills and writing techniquesit combines a communicative approach to learning english with stunning national geographic images, video and contentwith english explorer, students: explore amazing places and fascinating cultures with national geographic, bringing real people, real places, and real stories into the english language classroomlearn how to use english to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing language skills through age-appropriate print and multimedia resources

    $ 25

  • El precio total por el student's book en pdf, workbook y teacher's book en pdf y los audios cds es de 50 solesapoyo extra para la nueva tarea de writingtareas específicas sobre use of englishel curso provee estrategias paso a paso para speaking y writingcurso recomendable para el examen de cpeproficiency expert coursebook está diseñado para todos los que quieren seguir un curso de preparación para rendir el examen cpe de cambridge university

    $ 40

  • Nivel intermedio y avanzado: - cd student book - cd workbook - student book pfd - workbook pdf - videos - teacher's book


    $ 30

  • Top

    *incluye students book y work book *forrados y en perfectas condiciones *sin nombre *sin sellos * las 4 primeras unidades de ambos libros están completamente vacías *las demás se avanzaron con lapiz a presión leve fácil de borrar *estado 9/10

    $ 70

  • En buen estado precio por pack completo de 3 unidades work book + students book + cool comics

    $ 45

  • Los libros están en pdfincluye student's book, workbook y teacher's bookincluye student's book, workbook, teacher's book y audio cdsincluye audio cdses el primer curso de preparación verdaderamente comprensivo para el examen caeeste es un curso completocombina temas interesantes y habilidades de trabajo con profundo entrenamiento para el examensu método completo para las técnicas del examen desarrolla las habilidades que los estudiantes necesitan para lograr éxito en el examen cambridge certificate of advanced english

    $ 30

  • Este paquete consta del student’s book, teacher’s book y workbook en pdf e incluye audio cdcombina lo mejor de la práctica contemporánea del aula con temas estimulantes dirigidos a adolescents y jóvenes adultoscomplete pet es un nuevo curso para el examen petcontiene doce unidadesel curso cubre cada parte del examen pet en detalle proveyendo preparación, práctica, información y consejos para asegurar que los estudiantes estén completamente preparados para el examen

    $ 40

  • El student’s book y el workbook están en pdf e incluye el audio cdsu método único combina sólido desarrollo del idioma con preparación y práctica sistemática para el examen, mientras que sus unidades cortas cubren una amplia variedad de temas motivadorescambridge objective pet segunda edición es un curso diseñado para guiar a los estudiantes hacia éxito en el examen cambridge preliminary english test (pet)

    $ 20

  • El student's book, teachers book y exam maximiser están en pdf e incluye los audio cdsgold preliminary coursebook - esta serie construye seguridad en los estudiantes combinando preparación cuidadosamente graduada para el examen cambridge englishprovee clases comunicativas y entretenidas con un fuerte énfasis en la personalización, gold es la elección papular para profesores alrededor del mundo

    $ 30

  • 2libros de ingles de 3ro de secundaria autor felix murillo alfaro students book y workbook3 libros corefo de matematica de tercero de secundaria razonamiento actividades y libro del area

    Candarave (Tacna)

    $ 130

  • Choices intermediate students' book with myenglishlab michael harrisanna sikorzynska pearson

    $ 120

  • Libros de ingles touchstone 3b y 4a students book cambrigde incluye cd

    $ 35

  • students' book & workbookupper intermediateeditorial pearson

    $ 30

  • Libros de ingles solutions upper intermediate students book y workbook oxford precio a tratar

    $ 100

  • students learn more, remember more and use language more effectively when they use grammar in contextgrammar in context, fifth edition presents grammar with interesting, informative readings and then recycles the language and context throughout every activity

    $ 20

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