Listado daemon
Videojuegos en general: daemon x machina para nintendo switch original nuevo sellado con garantia cualquier informacion whatsapp envios a todo el peru
$ 193
La lista de juegos es la siguiente: ai invasion pcgame acto de agresion after works air mission hind alien isolation aliens colonial marines arc continuum ashes of the singularity: escalation assetto corsa automobilista batman - arkham night battlefield 1 battlefield 3 battlefield 4 battlefield hardline bionic comando rearmed bioshock 3 infinite bladestar arcade bullet storm full clip call of duty: modern warfare remastered call of duty: advanced warfare call of duty: infinite warfare call of duty: ghosts call of duty: black ops 3 caretaker retribution colonial defense force ghostship cronicas de riddick crossfire juego online crysis 2: maximun edition crysis 3 dead purge outbreak dead rising 4 deluxe edition dead space 3 deus ex: mankind divided dishonored dishonored 2 disney infinite gold collection dying light - the following doom everspace evolve pcgame fifa fallout 4 flying tigers - shadows over china gauntlet slayer edition gearguns tanks offensive gears of war gemini heroes reborn grid autosport black edition gunz halo halo 2 halo wars hellblade - senuas sacrifice homefront: the revolution house of the dying sun how to survive 2 - chinese new year inversion is defense just cause 2 just cause 3 killing floor 2 little nightmares lord of the rings 2 madagascar mad max mafia 3 mariokart mass effect: andromeda maxpayne 3 complete edition mechrunner medalla de honor warfighter meridian squad 22 metal gear solid 5 metro redux mortal kombat xl never alone payday 2 pes incluye updates prey putrefaction 2 - void walker pinball fx2 plantas vs zombies project cars radline quarantine rage complete edition raiden 3 raiden 4 overkill quantum break rad rogers world rebel raiders recore red faction: armageddon redeemer resident evil revelations resident evil 7 salt and sanctuary satellite reign serious sam 3 shadow complex remastered shadow of mordor shadow warrior 2 simpsons hit & run sims 4 sine mora singularity shaolin vs wutang sherlock holmes shrek 2 skyforce anniversary solstice chronicles sonic generations starcraft 2: legacy of the void (saga completa) starfighters origins starpos 2 stasis street fighter v sudden strike 4 super cloudbit super mario 3d world emulado supermario forever technomancer the pinball arcade the evil within the red solstice the simpsons arcade the surge the witcher 3: wild hunt timeshift titan fall 2 tom clancy´s: ghost recon future soldier tom clancy´s: ghost recon wildlands tom clancy´s: rainbow six siege trine 3 trine enchanted edition unravel unreal tournament vector 36 vector thrust vikings - wolves of midgard watchdogs 2 wanted weapons of fate warhammer 40k warhammer - space marines wolfenstein: the new order wolfenstein: the old blood xcom 2 deluxe edition zheros: the forgotten land zombi (para instalar estos juegos necesitas el daemon tools) daemon tools lite vdelivery (5 soles adicional)tambien se instalan a domicilio, segun disponibilidadpara jugarlos es obligatorio tener una pc minimo de 4 nucleos (quadcore,core i3, i5, i7 o phenom x4, amd fx) con tarjeta de video nvidia geforce gt 730 de 2 gb memoria o mejorlos juegos no son de steam, son imagenes "iso" que estan crackeados y funcionales al 100 %, vienen en caja simple sin caratulapara grabarlos es necesario tener discos bluray o si tienen disco duro externo mejor, el precio de cada juego es de 15 soles
$ 15
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$ 50